Love Life ... Live Love
Allow Forgiveness to be your expression of freedom.
Of all of Love’s expressions, we believe Forgiveness is the most powerful because forgiveness releases guilt from both parties. Whole or complete forgiveness is a reset - as if nothing ever happened - a clean slate. How would you feel if your slate was wiped clean? No regrets, no guilt, no shame, just love.
Forgiveness (Start With You)
How does this work? How do I forgive? How do I forgive people, events, traumas, hurtful experiences? How do I forgive me? It’s easier than you think. It works by you being curious and open, just like you are now. Every success you have had comes from three steps; [1] Have a Desire, [2] Spend Time with your desire, and [3] Put your Attention (and Actions) on that desire. Desire, Time, and Attention.
Setting an Intention … Your Desire in Motion.
Forgiving people and events in your life makes room for more love. You release this negative energy, creating space for positive, love-based energy to take its place. Forgiveness is a way to change the past and thus release fear of your future, which we know how to do, and we will teach you.
Setting a Time for Success
You are invited to spend 10 minutes - three times a day - for the next 7 days to open the door to more love. All you need to do is find a quiet spot, sit comfortably, be open and accept. We guarantee you will receive everything you accept.
Reflection & Insight
All successes involved three things: 1. Desire; I wanted something. 2. Time; I spent time acting on my desire. 3. Attention: Whatever I place my attention on becomes the focus of my desire, and that desire grows.
Invitation: Set your desire, time, and attention on Forgiveness and see how your life changes.
Sarah B, Vermont, USA
I appreciated the intention being set for me so I could embrace it and challenge myself to stay focused.
Anne, F. Colorado, USA
“I liked the rhythm of the sessions. There was a pattern that grew familiar. Comforting :-)
Sarah B, Vermont, USA
The midday meditation was very important to me as life gets busy and I needed the break and to refocus on my intention.