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AlwaysMoreLove People embracing in meditation

Love Life ... Live Love


Whatever surrounds you, you are attracting.

You are here because you are ready to attract different things into your life, better things. It is a desire for change, your desire. And desire is a first step. Thank you for taking the first step.


Attracting More Love

How does this work?   How do I attract more love into my life?   It’s easier than you think.  It works by you being curious and open, just like you are now.  Every success you have had comes from three steps; [1] Have a Desire,  [2] Spend Time with your desire, and [3] Put your Attention (and Actions) on that desire.   Desire, Time, and Attention.

Setting an Intention … Your Desire in Action

Attracting more love works by choosing and setting an intention of love, which we know how to do, and we will teach you.

Setting a Time for Success

You are invited to spend 10 minutes - three times a day - for the next 7 days to open the door to more love.  All you need to do is find a quiet spot, sit comfortably, be open and accept.  We guarantee you will receive everything you accept.

Reflection & Insight

All success involves three things: 1. Desire; I wanted something. 2. Time; I spent time acting on my desire.  3. Attention: Whatever I place my attention on becomes the focus of my desire, and that desire grows.


Invitation: Set your desire, time, and attention on Love and see how your life changes.

Stef R.  Vermont, USA

I can feel love returning to me in so many ways: the birds singing, water, waves, the rain, the wind, music, someone's eyes looking at me, a smile, a nod, a hug, flowers

Anne, F. Colorado, USA

The effects were very good!  I noticed myself being more at ease, grateful, letting any discord slide by.  Oh, I even got and gave more hugs!”

Sarah B, Vermont, USA

I appreciated the intention being set for me so I could embrace it and challenge myself to stay focused.

“You can only make two mistakes on a journey with love;
not starting and not finishing.”

-- W. Scott Erickson

Download Your FREE Meditation Journal - Attraction

When you open to Love, insights will come very naturally, and insights are gifts for you!  Keep your gifts ... by noting the insights that come to you.  



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